Sunday, February 27, 2011

Day 30: Picture of me today and 20 goals I want toaccomplish

Some kids won't stop to have their picture taken, so you get what you get.

Whew! 30days in a (almost) row is a lot! And this is as close as I can get to a picture of me today. It is yesterday and I gift you this lovely sight of me rolled out of bed, no makeup, no hair done, but out there sledding. So that's why there is hideousness.

Does anybody even have 20 goals at a time, or am I just an underachiever???

I guess if I think about things to do today and say that they are a goal and not just a task to accomplish, then I could come up with 20.

  1. Pay off some principle payments this year to bring mortgage down faster
  2. finish Madeline L'engle's Wrinkle in Time books that I have rediscovered
  3. get to church on time, HAPPILY-or else!
  4. keep my counters and surfaces cleared of clutter
  5. move all the stuff that is office-y into the room recently vacated by Goosie
  6. attend some of the Relief Society meetings and get to know more people in our new area
  7. invite a family once or twice a month for dinner
  8. get outside at least once a day
  9. finish the last of the caulking and painting
  10. practice the piano at least 3x a week
  11. plan meals for the week
  12. get more involved in my childrens' classrooms
  13. vacuum out the van
  14. read to each child or the whole group at once every day
  15. find some kind of decorations for my room
  16. put up new FHE board and actually hold official ones instead of winging it or forgetting
  17. Schedule my next day every night so I don't forget my appointments
  18. answer emails when I open them
  19. begin to do some preschool activities with the younger kids to prepare a little for Bryguy's kindergarten next year
  20. make plans to go on an official date, not just a stay at home goof off together date.


  1. You are great!!! I cannot imagine how you are going to fit in all those extra things! You really are amazing!

  2. hi! i like your goals. you have been my idol since the day i was born, by virtue of the fact that you are the only older sister i've ever known. so you will have to deal with me trying to be like you forever. i like your goals. you are awesome and you can accomplish them (most days). "goals are stars to reach for, not sticks to beat ourselves with." (stake pres in ann arbor said it) so, if you don't accomplish everything just the way you planned, if you try and try and reach for your stars, don't beat yourself up but be proud of the stars you did reach and just keep trying to grab the all :) goodbye fiend!

  3. I am liking all of your goals, and find some of them quite similar to my own. (Especially the clutter + counter tops.)
    Speaking of RS activities.. 31st @ 6 is our birthday social! ;)
