Saturday, February 26, 2011

Day 29: In this past month, what have you learned?

Hmmm. Related to blogging or in general?

  • If you blog every day, your loyal group of 5 or so readers tire of commenting, whereas they feel inclined to cheer you on if you post once every two weeks or so :) Thanks loyal friends, I'm not dissing the comments, just realizing on commenting on my friend's 30 day challenge the same thing.
  • Goosie sleeps in very strange positions...

It is possible, with a little snow fun, to get what M'deary terms "snodaggits"
Claus is a time enigma. It can take him a full 45 min to an hour to eat one bowl of soup (with dreaded veggies), but a ginormous donut? All of 1.5 minutes.


  1. Watch me comment!! HAHA! Ummm, that doughnut looks DIVINE.

  2. Maecy, I'm glad you posted on my blog! You are NOT a blog stalker. You were my visiting teacher at one point, so that eliminates any kind of stalker status. Rest assured. :)

    Looks like you're doing well, and are a great mommy!

    Can't wait to see more updates...

  3. I like the sleeping positions of Goosie... sounds like my Jare Bear. :)
    PS. I like your 30 days of posting. I have gotten to know you much better. I am contemplating about doing the same thing.

  4. snodaggits! ha ha. that is wonderful. i miss you guys a lot. i remember the days of claus staying at the table for forever to finish his brocolli over the summer and how much he wanted the dessert everyone else was eating. he just had to heave and gag for a while to get that brocolli down. it's all worth it for the dessert though.

  5. I now know what to call those darn snodaggits! Much easier than calling them those snow-clump-thingiemabobbers.
