Tuesday, January 24, 2012

March of the Penguins



You may be thinking that we enjoyed a nice outing sledding, but you would be wrong. Clearly we are the penguins from the classic "March of the penguins" movie. Babs encouraged us all to turn our coats around to be able to better belly slide. Apparently she and the other school kids have been playing penguins every recess, complete with people assigned as the seal that chases them from hole to hole in the snow and baby penguins assigned to crouch under the parent penguins. It has been a real hit. I wish I had a picture of M'deary pretending to be the old penguin that has fallen over in the snow ready to die. The children very quickly disabused him of the notion that he could get out of playing by faking his own death and poked and prodded him up. What a stinker. In the end we both had fun participating in their imaginative play.