Thursday, January 20, 2011

Levitation and homebuying

Remember Auld Lang Syne: So we finally have a house, sort of.">

Well, they aren't the best, but we closed on the house yesterday, which happened to be my birthday, and I was so excited I had to take pictures despite the poor light. Dad then had to go to work, so I was naughty and let the kids jump on the bed and gave each one a turn to have "a long bath" in my favorite bathtub ever. Also shown is our new piano that we are in love with-not much to look at, but sounds great! All in all, a very good day and we are so happy to have the house projects almost done. I will have to post some of the outside and the yard-which was the real selling point for me-later.

Not a lot of decorations/curtains or anything, but we love it so far.


  1. I like the pictures! They are fun stretched like they are. Did the camera do that? I am so excited for your house!!!! Except the whole Ogden part. ;)

  2. Your home is beautiful Maecy! Thanks for sharing and Congrats!

  3. What great pictures! It looks fantastic!! Is that a huge basement??? I'm so jealous. And next time I'm in Utah I get a turn in the tub...

  4. I left a comment and it didn't show up. I'm so offended. (The comment was very complimentary, BTW) Let's see if this one shows up!

  5. Congrats on the house! I'm guessing they let you do a few things in the past few months since everything looks so nice inside. It looks great!

  6. Love the piano! And Happy Late Birthday. I am so bummed that 1. I didn't know it was your birthday this week and 2. that I missed it. Happy Birthday. :)

  7. What? No 'after' picture of the inside of the toilet? :)

    What a fabulous transformation! You guys did a great job. Congrats on a great home.

  8. "What? No 'after' picture of the inside of the toilet? :)"

    Nope. All new toilets ;)

  9. Yay! Looks great! I totally want a bathtub like that. :) So happy for you guys. Hope you had a great birthday!

  10. You guys are amazing!! The house looks great! So happy for you.
