Sunday, October 21, 2012

For some more Auld, been in the drafts for a while

My brother is very,very funny. I was trying to sleep and kept tossing and turning and for some reason remembered him playing "Go tell Aunt Rhody".

We all were required to learn piano, at least until we could play some hymns, and of all of us it seemed the most tiresome to my brother.

But there was one song that really floated his boat.

Go tell Aunt Rhody
Go tell Aunt Rho-ody
Go tell Aunt Rhody
The old gray goose is dead.

For years we were treated to this song. He would get an inane smile and made his front teeth stuck out ridiculously, with a fatuous look on his face and sing this while holding his hands at shoulder level and punctuating each line with a parody of conducting, long neck bobbing along, lerp legs kicking. Good times.


  1. Dang! I wish I could have seen more of that kind of stuff from all Five of You!
