Sunday, December 19, 2010


Babs as she is bending over watching Claus get stitched up in the forehead to the doctor:"Are you concerned that the bleeding has started again?"

Doctor laughs "No. Bleeding helps the wound to heal"

Babs turns quickly to sneeze into her sleeve. Doctor:"Great job remembering to cover your sneeze" Babs :"Yeah, I didn't want to contaminate his wound. Will he require neosporin?"

Am I the only one that finds her conversation hilarious? She seems to think that she is 45.

Lessons learned today:

1-Having a dance party in footie pajamas on a slick floor can land you in the ER with skulls visible. Yucky.

2-Babs has no qualms about blood and is very interested in everything to do with healing.

3-Claus is superbrave. He did not cry once or fuss. I was the only one being a baby inside.

4-An ER visit with 5 and 6 year olds is much much more do-able than with children ages 5,4,3,2, and 1 like we got to do when m'deary had kidney stones. All in all a much better night than what I envisioned when I first caught a glimpse of said skull.


  1. contaminate the wound? hahahahahahaha. that is awesome.
    so.... if you are going to give your kids blog disguise names, i'm totally going to need you to send me an email and tell me who is who so i can follow your posts without so much guessing:)

  2. That is SO funny! What, no pictures??

  3. but the dance party was so much fun...

  4. Miss Abby has been all about words from the very beginning! I am not surprised that she has such a great vocab.

    I'm all about blood and skin and bones too. Fascinating :)

  5. I had to get super-genius dad to figure out how to get pics off the internal memory of my phone. So there you have it. Babs is so generously sharing her Del taco chinchilla to "comfort" him. I forgot about that part. She cracks me up.

  6. Also, sorry to be so cryptic with the blog names, we just have so many weirdies to worry about.

  7. I'm right there with Morgan. I know some of your kiddies but not all of them. Thanks!

  8. Yes, 45 is the age she thinks she is. And acts like. What a silly one. Perhaps she'll be a nurse like her daddy when she grows up.

  9. good times. this made me laugh mucho grande! i like these kids. have a merry christmas.
